Contact Us / Submit Data

Contact Us / Submit Data

Edaphobase contacts

Edaphobase is run by a Steering Committee at the Department of Soil Zoology of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History in Görlitz, Germany.
Steering Committee chair: Dr. David RUSSELL, david.russell(at)

Different members of the Steering Committee are responsible for different topics. They can be reached by the following e-mail addresses:

info(at)edaphobase.orgGeneral questions, e.g.:
• Cooperation request (i.e., linking databases, project/monitoring data management, and similar)
• Edaphobase functionality, data usage, and similar
developers(at)• Technical questions
• Suggestions for improvements or additional features
• Report a technical or data error
import(at)• Specific questions regarding submitting or submitted data / receiving DOIs
(For general “how to” and background questions, please first see below as well as Edaphobase’s Data Policy.)
taxonomy(at)• Questions and feedback regarding the taxonomy Edaphobase currently uses


Submit Data 

Edaphobase integrates and harmonizes all submitted data into a common data base, allowing all data to be queried together for common analyses. In order for data integration to allow this common query and re-use, data submission requires more advanced procedures than with many ommon data repositories.

Data submission therefore proceeds via data-upload software, which can map and harmonize the tables of data providers to the Edaphobase data warehouse, eliminating the necessity of data providers to restructure their tables to a common template. Nonetheless, for newly digitizing data, Edaphobase-conform templates are available in the guidance material.

This software, the data variables Edaphobase can currently accommodate as well as much further guidance material are available here.

A DOI for submitted data can be provided, thereby providing data providers with a citable “publication” for their data.

While submitted data is generally open access, restrictions to the public access of specific (“sensitive”) data according to Edaphobase’s Data Policy can be designated during the data-upload process. Also, “embargos” to public access of submitted data can be signified; i.e. until formal publication of the study.